
Live! With Kelly airs each and every day on channel ABC. The show studio set with all new designed was very different from its original show set she had done in the past with original show called “Regis and Kelly.”

* Picture and Video at the end of the blog !

Personally, I love the set design itself but NOT loving the audience seat set up compounds deign situation its very hard to see what was going on all around.

I had a chance to be part of as an audience member for Monday shows April 9th 2012; it was their very first show revealing all new set designed to the public on TV.Where my seat was, I hardly can’t see anything at all with a huge post blocking my way of views as well as the host which is Kelly Ripa and the guest host of the day was Howie Mandel.

The set designed seating was very poor through out in my opinion, where my seat was is to the left of the Kelly and Howie, the entire time I had to try to dock the lamp post in the middle to see what is going on the other side of the show when the set up table was in the middle where the audience to the left can’t even see hardly anything, not to mention we have to dock from the camera mans who was always in our way left alone I can’t see anything to begin with.

As that is not enough when Kelly and Howie went  up stair level was chatting to the audience as well as guest DJ for the day was Samantha Ronson the audience downstairs has no idea what was going on at all simple because we could not see anything yet once again. All over all my friend and I were very disappointed about how they set up the audience seating design.

The show itself was great the guest on the show for the day was, Actress from Modern Family Sofia Vergara talks about her latest film and her personal life she mention how her 20 years old son went to Boston College and that he is loving the college life but at the same time is not wanting to letting people know who his mother is, another guest was judge from X-factor L.A Reid talks about how he first get his name from the band he was in and the jersey he use to wear and after that the name was born last but not least , DeAndre  a contestant from American Idol was voted off which Jennifer Lopez could not save him from the perversions week .

The show itself was incredible being part of the live audience feels different then sitting at home watching the show, but as I’ve mention before I had a very hard time watching the show from where I sit, honestly I think would be better If I ended up watching at home, that is just my honest opinion.

Click below for video !

Click here for Video –> Live! with Kelly 4-9-2012 DeAndre From American Idol Sing live

Click here for Video –> Live! with Kelly 4-9-2012 NEW SET !

( you can see the huge lamp post I was talking about in the blog )

Click here for Video –> Live! With Kelly Show All New set design look 4/9/2012

( you can see the stair way I was talking about in the blog when Kelly and Howie makes their way up to the upstair audience ! )

* Pictures from the new set design , not to great at all !..

Set is NOT very well designed for suitable audience viewing ! Camera in my way and a huge lamp post ! I could hardly see anything !

huge lamp post in my way plus the camera as well , can't see the set at all !

Kelly and Howie Mandle, , again the camera man blocks half of my view, so I had to dock to see some of the show from the live audience view ! NOT VERY GREAT VEWS I MUST SAY !

Finally I can see a little bit of Kelly and Howie ! still not a great view !

DeAndrea from American Idol sings from Half the stair way !

DeAndrea Sings, but the Camera man has to block me me from viewing the show !

Kelly Came to our section after she came downstair !

Kelly and Howie came downstair from the taking to live audience upstair !

Written and Credit Susan Hu

* All material are all original and copy right by Susan Hu

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WOW ! REALLY can we say that again Casey Anthony founded not guilty on Tuesday July 5, 2011 in Florida of the crime she had killed her 2 years old daughter, upon three years ago in a national television that her family reported the little girl was missing from their home.


*** Vent COME ON .. how can you be a heartless person to not have any emotions toward your own flush and blood child. Um then you should not even have one at the 1st place. 

All in all Anthony ‘s lawyer Jose Baez have convince the verdict that she was free from speculations and crimes that she had supposed committed the first degree of murder, if she had founded guilty they verdict had decided the punishment was a death penalty, but now she escape the death road for now.

* **Vent. Oh man what have our country comes down to.. we reward those who done wrong and still get away with the heaviest crime of all MURDER  !. America have some heart and let this person get some justices. 

The judge has decided to charge Anthony only four counts of lying to the investigators when they were looking for evidence back in June of 2008 with the disappear Caylee, her daughter. After six months later her body was founded near the woods close by her home, later the medical examiner could never found the cause of death.

**Vent.. Seriously? where do you get your law degree judges ? how can you pass this heartless person found them not guilty. SHAME ON YOU GUYS !!… Should do your homework and dig deeper to this case, instead of letting her go just like that.  NOT VERY PLEASES about that ! 

et cetera