
Luis Peron and Co founder Gerry Balasta founded International Film Festival Manhattan 2011, with the help of marking team from Grace Labaguis and Adora Penn as well as myself (Susan Hu) being the Director of Social Media for the IFFM. As well as thanking all the volunteers making this film festival possible.

Not only that every dollar of the ticket sales goes to Gerry’s charity project called “ The Mountain Hop project” to help Kids in the Philippines to go to school and get an education so they don’t have to pick up mountain trash for a living and support their family, these kids are between the age of 5 to young adult with no education, with this Mountain Hope Project we are hoping to sent at least 5 kids to school each year.  We already have couple kids in school and saw the amazing progress they are making already for their future.

The International Film Festival Manhattan was a hug success some of the biggest feature film was being screen as our pick feature film such as True Bromance this film was produce by Director Sebastian Doggart and was also the film festival opening night screening, not only the story was documentary featuring the actor himself from Home Alone 1 and 2 Devin Ratray as the story went on about how interesting of one person trying to pursue their dream lover at the same time they have discover themselves in the process of doing this film that they have discover all love will not work out the same way as they expected.Our opening night Red Carpet we have none other then Devin Ratray himself coming he is from the movie Home Alone 1 and 2 to help kicking off the celebration of the Film Festival Manhattan.


IFFM had feature some of the best of the best Indies films such as many movies created by talented low or to almost no budget films makers, as such we have the ever popular the Cinema Nights Shorts created by one of and only loveable Frances Lozada, Frank Lozada, Carlos Lozada, Frank Gonzales family and the rest of team of muti culture cross generational experiences film makers in New York City.All in all was just a great experiences for many of the Indies film maker to come out and have their film shown on the big screen ,they were very excited to their first ever movie shown at a film festival.


On our closing night we managed to also to have the biggest feature movie called “ Hollywood to Dollywood.” We also were very lucky to have twin main  actors Gary Lane and Larry Lane  as well as special Celebrity guest  actor Chad Allen on our Red Carpet for our closing night and as well as being in the movie house.  Chad Allen was known for many of his roles such as on the showDr .Quinn Medicine playing as Matthew Cooper on CBS.


Strikingly, IFFM has been getting a huge buzz from the New York Times , and from web page   as well as some of the media buzz in the Philippines with the Glee Singer Charice on twitter about the International Film Festival of Manhattan.

Message from Cherice as quoted on Twitter

“ InfiniteCharice Infinite Charice

Charice – Louder Best Music Video at International Film Festival Manhattan


pictures from the IFFM !

Celebrity Devin Ratray on the Red Carpet


Adroa , Celebrity Devin Ratray from Home Alone 1 and 2 , Grace , Susan Hu, Gerry

The media out let coving for IFFM

Actor Frank Lozada , Actor Carlos Lozada, Actress Frances Lozada


Larry and Gary Lane from movie Hollywood to Dollywood being interview by Luis Perdon


Me and Actor Chad Allen at IFFM


Written and Credit to Susan Hu


Susan Hu official Fan page !


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* Official Facebook fan page

* Official Twitter page 

*Official Myspace Fan page

No matter what time of the year it was, Breast Cancer is always a health issues among all the woman around the world. The moth of October especially, as we all know it was the time to show your pink wears or attending many of the events regarding to the color pink.

Well in the mist of all the event is happening. The event I’ve attended was located at New York City newest hotel SKYROOM.To help end it and create an awareness for breast cancer to woman all around the world of the charity called Pink Hair for Hope, with this campaign going on through the end of November they are rising awareness for woman to get themselves check and as well as for the breast cancer survivors, not only that as quoted from their website stated  “To date Pink hair for Hope campaign has brought together more than 385 salons and raised close to 2million dollars to fight Breast Cancer.


Neatness to say, they had couple special celebrities to help kick off Pink Hair for Hope event that night, and with a perfect night also having one of the biggest celebrity hair stylist named Gregory Purcell was on hand to kick off the event as well as showcase his own hair care product that night, for more of Gregory Purcell hair products please visit http://www.gregorypurcell. com.

* Interview of Georgory Purcell talking about his own hair care product at the end of the blog !

Gregory Purcell has worked with many celebrities on the movies, TV shows, music video sets to create a unique style of look for the different occasions to fit the roles on the movie, TV shows or music videos set.

* Interview footage of Gregory  Purcell


Written and Credit to Susan Hu

* Official Susan Hu Social Media fan pages

Susan Hu official YouTube page


* Official Facebook fan page

* Official Twitter page 

*Official Myspace Fan page

et cetera